WARNING: Atom2015 boards are sold on Ebay. These are not offered by me. Please beware that some parts (for example the Godil) are not available any more.
However, I will give best-effort support on these boards through the StarDot forums. The seller has my permission to sell these boards.


A well known forum for enthusiastic users of Acorn Computers. A community of people with excellent knowledge of computer technology.
At these pages you can find all the GODIL source files, documentation, instructions etc that you need to buy, program and install your GODIL. Applies also to regular Atoms :-)
The manufacturer of the used CPLD's and FPGA. You can register here and download the free tools to modify and program the CPLD and GODIL (VHDL) files.
One of the many websites dedicated to the Acorn Atom. This one is in Dutch and contains all the magazines of the Dutch Atom User Group from 1980 - 2000.